THIS is how a series should end.

Champion: A Legend Novel - Marie Lu

I am so gun shy of final books these days that through the entire book I kept waiting to be disappointed or pissed off. But I wasn't. This was a really great book. Full of action and lots of character depth. It was a great way to end a series. These books have matured with each installment.  While Legend was a good dystopian story with this last installment to me the series blossomed into something grand that few dystopian stories have accomplished lately. 


The last book takes place several months after Prodigy. I won't give away plot details but basically Champion is the final battle for the Republic of America. Everything is fleshed out in this story.


I loved the Epilogue. It reminded me of another ending to a series but I can't say which one because I don't want to give anything away.


This book had a lot of emotions in it. Very action packed but heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. Again, this is was such a great ending to the series. I was prepared for disappointment but was at the end I was content and happy with the conclusion.